## Installing ifm3d from .deb file **Note**: If you are using O3D/O3X device please use ifm3d-v0.20.3 release and use these [instructions](https://github.com/ifm/ifm3d/blob/v0.20.3/doc/source_build.md) ### Download ifm3d .deb files Download the ifm3d .deb files for your OS ifm3d-ubuntu-__debs.xz.tar from [ifm3d Release page](https://github.com/ifm/ifm3d/releases). This .deb files are of ifm3d modules without their dependencies. ### Install ifm3d third-party dependencies Use the following steps to install all the library dependencies on Debian based systems ``` $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y jq \ libssl-dev \ libcurl4-openssl-dev \ libgoogle-glog-dev \ libxmlrpc-c++8-dev \ libproj-dev \ build-essential \ coreutils \ cmake ``` Note: The package name may differ in different flavours of Linux. Above apt-get commands are specific to Debian based systems ### Install ifm3d .deb files Unzip the .tar file and use following command to install ifm3d from .deb: ``` $ sudo dpkg -i ifm3d_1.0.1_amd64-device.deb $ sudo dpkg -i ifm3d_1.0.1_amd64-swupdater.deb $ sudo dpkg -i ifm3d_1.0.1_amd64-framegrabber.deb $ sudo dpkg -i ifm3d_1.0.1_amd64-tools.deb ``` One can install all the debs will following command: ``` $ cd $ sudo dpkg -R -i . ``` This will install the required binaries and headers to `/usr` folder.