## Python installation > Note: We recommend for testing purposes to install the ifm3dpy package in an clean Python environment first. You can use `python -m venv "venv-name"` to create a new virtual environment. You can use the official PyPI package to install the ifm3dpy within your virtual environment: ```python pip install ifm3dpy ``` Now, you can check your installation. ### Check the ifm3dpy installation Let's verify quickly that the installation worked! This command should display the list of packages installed in your environment: ```python pip freeze ``` Open up a Python shell with: ```python python.exe OR ./python.exe OR python ``` Then try importing the package: ```python import ifm3dpy print(ifm3dpy.__version__) >>>1.0.1 ``` You can test the connection from VPU to camera head with following lines: ```python from ifm3dpy import O3R o3r = O3R() config = o3r.get() #get the configuration saved on the VPU ``` Using the package `json` provides an easier tool for displaying JSON-Strings. The configuration from the VPU is always a JSON-String (output below shortened for display purposes). ```python import json print(json.dumps(config, indent=4)) >>>{ "device": { "clock": { "currentTime": 1581090739817663072 }, "diagnostic": { "temperatures": [], "upTime": 94000000000 }, "info": { "device": "0301", "deviceTreeBinaryBlob": "tegra186-quill-p3310-1000-c03-00-base.dtb", "features": {}, "name": "TableTop2", "partNumber": "M03975", "productionState": "AA", "serialNumber": "000201234176", "vendor": "0001" }, "network": { "authorized_keys": "", "ipAddressConfig": 0, "macEth0": "00:04:4B:EA:9F:D1", "macEth1": "00:02:01:23:41:76", "networkSpeed": 1000, "staticIPv4Address": "", "staticIPv4Gateway": "", "staticIPv4SubNetMask": "", "useDHCP": false }, "state": { "errorMessage": "", "errorNumber": "" }, "swVersion": { "kernel": "4.9.140-l4t-r32.4+gc35f5eb9d1d9", "l4t": "r32.4.3", "os": "0.13.13-221", "schema": "v0.1.0", "swu": "0.15.12" } }, "ports": { "port0": { "acquisition": { "framerate": 10.0, "version": { "major": 0, "minor": 0, "patch": 0 } }, "data": { "algoDebugConfig": {}, "availablePCICOutput": [], "pcicTCPPort": 50010 }, "info": { "device": "2301", "deviceTreeBinaryBlobOverlay": "001-ov9782.dtbo", "features": { "fov": { "horizontal": 127, "vertical": 80 }, "resolution": { "height": 800, "width": 1280 }, "type": "2D" }, "name": "", "partNumber": "M03976", "productionState": "AA", "sensor": "OV9782", "sensorID": "OV9782_127x80_noIllu_Csample", "serialNumber": "000000000281", "vendor": "0001" }, "mode": "experimental_autoexposure2D", "processing": { "extrinsicHeadToUser": { "rotX": 0.0, "rotY": 0.0, "rotZ": 0.0, "transX": 0.0, "transY": 0.0, "transZ": 0.0 }, "version": { "major": 0, "minor": 0, "patch": 0 } }, "state": "RUN" }, ... } ```