# ifm3dpy Viewer This is an example application for retrieving different kinds of images from an O3R platform. ## Download the code If you built ifm3d from source, you already have the code, in `ifm3d/examples/o3r/viewer`. If not, you can find the script [here](https://github.com/ifm/ifm3d/tree/main/examples/o3r/viewer). ## Installation The recommended way is to use a virtual environment. ### Create a new virtual environment ```sh python3 -m venv my_venv ``` ### Activate the virtual environment | Platform | Shell | Command to activate virtual environment | | -------- | --------------- | --------------------------------------- | | POSIX | bash/zsh | $ source /bin/activate | | | fish | $ source /bin/activate.fish | | | csh/tcsh | $ source /bin/activate.csh | | | PowerShell Core | $ /bin/Activate.ps1 | | Windows | cmd.exe | C:\> \Scripts\activate.bat | | | PowerShell | PS C:\> \Scripts\Activate.ps1 | ### Install ifm3dpy #### From pip ```sh pip install ifm3dpy ``` #### From Source ```sh # In the ifm3d root folder pip install -r requirements.txt pip install . ``` Consider [the Python documentation](../../../doc/sphinx/content/python.md) for more details. ### Install requirements ```sh pip install -r examples/python/viewer/requirements.txt ``` ## Usage ```sh usage: ifm3dpy_viewer.py [-h] --pcic-port PORT --image {jpeg,distance,amplitude,xyz} [--ip IP] [--xmlrpc-port XMLRPC_PORT] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --pcic-port PORT The pcic port from which images should be received --image {jpeg,distance,amplitude,xyz} The image to received (default: distance) --ip IP IP address of the sensor (default: --xmlrpc-port XMLRPC_PORT XMLRPC port of the sensor (default: 80) ``` ### Display the distance image ```sh python examples/python/viewer/ifm3dpy_viewer.py --pcic-port 50012 --image distance ``` ### Display the amplitude image ```sh python examples/python/viewer/ifm3dpy_viewer.py --pcic-port 50012 --image amplitude ``` ### Display the point cloud ```sh python examples/python/viewer/ifm3dpy_viewer.py --pcic-port 50012 --image xyz ``` ### Display the JPEG image ``` python examples/python/viewer/ifm3dpy_viewer.py --pcic-port 50010 --image jpeg ```