How to: receive and use the 2D RGB image
Receiving RGB data with ifm3d is done similarly as 3D data: the core objects have to be instantiated, and a frame has to be retrieved (see full code below). The important part is how to access the RGB image and how to decode it for further use.
Access the data
The RGB image is stored in JPEG format and can be retrieved as follows:
jpeg = frame.get_buffer(buffer_id.JPEG_IMAGE)
auto jpeg = frame->GetBuffer(ifm3d::buffer_id::JPEG_IMAGE);
Decode the data
Once accessed, the RGB image has to be decoded. We use OpenCV in this example:
rgb_decode = cv2.imdecode(jpeg, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
auto rgb_decode = cv::imdecode(jpeg, cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED);
Display (optional)
The decoded image can then be displayed, for instance with OpenCV.
Note that in c++, the image first has to be converted to a cv::Mat. Follow the full example for the conversion to cv::Mat with or without copy.
cv2.namedWindow("2D image", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
# get frame
# ...
cv2.imshow('RGB image', rgb_decode)
cv2.namedWindow("RGB image", cv2::WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv::imshow("RGB image", rgb_decode);
The full example
* Copyright 2022-present ifm electronic, gmbh
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <chrono>
#include <ifm3d/device/o3r.h>
#include <ifm3d/fg.h>
#include <ifm3d/fg/buffer.h>
#include <ifm3d/fg/distance_image_info.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/mat.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
// LUT for image format conversion
static std::unordered_map<ifm3d::pixel_format, int> LUT_TYPE{
{ifm3d::pixel_format::FORMAT_8U, CV_8U},
{ifm3d::pixel_format::FORMAT_8S, CV_8S},
{ifm3d::pixel_format::FORMAT_16U, CV_16U},
{ifm3d::pixel_format::FORMAT_16S, CV_16S},
{ifm3d::pixel_format::FORMAT_32S, CV_32S},
{ifm3d::pixel_format::FORMAT_32F, CV_32F},
{ifm3d::pixel_format::FORMAT_32F3, CV_32F},
{ifm3d::pixel_format::FORMAT_64F, CV_64F}};
// LUT for image format size
static std::unordered_map<ifm3d::pixel_format, int> LUT_SIZE{
{ifm3d::pixel_format::FORMAT_8U, 1},
{ifm3d::pixel_format::FORMAT_8S, 1},
{ifm3d::pixel_format::FORMAT_16U, 2},
{ifm3d::pixel_format::FORMAT_16S, 2},
{ifm3d::pixel_format::FORMAT_32S, 4},
{ifm3d::pixel_format::FORMAT_32F, 4},
{ifm3d::pixel_format::FORMAT_32F3, 4},
{ifm3d::pixel_format::FORMAT_64F, 8}};
// Converts ifm3d::Buffer to cv:Mat.
// cv::Mat will not take ownership of the data.
// Make sure ifm3d::Buffer is not destroyed while the cv::Mat is still around.
cv::Mat ConvertImageToMatNoCopy(ifm3d::Buffer &img) {
return cv::Mat(img.height(), img.width(), LUT_TYPE[img.dataFormat()],
// Converts ifm3d::Buffer to cv:Mat.
// This function copies the data so that
// you can safely dispose of the ifm3d::Buffer.
cv::Mat ConvertImageToMatCopy(ifm3d::Buffer &img) {
auto mat = cv::Mat(img.height(), img.width(), LUT_TYPE[img.dataFormat()]);
std::memcpy(, img.ptr(0),
img.width() * img.height() * LUT_SIZE[img.dataFormat()]);
return mat;
std::queue<cv::Mat> img_queue;
void Display() {
while (true){
if (!img_queue.empty()) {
cv::imshow("RGB Image", cv::imdecode(img_queue.front(), cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED));
void Callback(ifm3d::Frame::Ptr frame) {
auto rgb_img = frame->GetBuffer(ifm3d::buffer_id::JPEG_IMAGE);
// For displaying the data, make sure to use to copy method.
// This ensure the data is still available for display after the callback has returned.
auto rgb_cv = ConvertImageToMatCopy(rgb_img);
// No copy conversion of the image to cv::Mat:
// auto rgb_cv = ConvertImageToMatNoCopy(rgb_img);
// Push image to queue for display
int main() {
// Get the IP from the environment if defined
const char *IP = std::getenv("IFM3D_IP") ? std::getenv("IFM3D_IP") : ifm3d::DEFAULT_IP.c_str();
std::clog << "IP: " << IP << std::endl;
// Declare the O3R object
// Declare the device object (one object only, corresponding to the VPU)
auto o3r = std::make_shared<ifm3d::O3R>(IP);
// Pick a 2D port to use
// Pick the first available 2D port.
uint16_t pcic_port = 0;
for (const auto &port : o3r->Ports()) {
if (port.type == "2D") {
std::cout << "Using first available 2D port: " << port.port << std::endl;
pcic_port = port.pcic_port;
// Alternatively, manually pick the port
// corresponding to your 2D camera
// std::string port_nb = "port0";
// if (o3r->Port(port_nb).type != "2D") {
// std::cerr << "Please provide a 2D port number." << std::endl;
// return -1;
// }
// uint16_t pcic_port = o3r->Port(port_nb).pcic_port;
// Verify that a correct port number was provided
if (pcic_port == 0) {
std::cerr << "No 2D port found in the configuration," << std::endl;
return -1;
// Declare the FrameGrabber object
auto fg = std::make_shared<ifm3d::FrameGrabber>(o3r, pcic_port);
// Get a frame:
return 0;