Installation instructions
Migration Guide
Basic library usage
How to: configure the camera
How to: receive an image
How to: view the images
How to: handle rgb data
How to: use the deserializer module
How to: configure the logging
Command Line tool
Manipulating images
Python API
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Basic Library Usage
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Basic Library Usage
How to: configure the camera
Read the current configuration
Write a new configuration
The full example
How to: receive an image
O3R, FrameGrabber and Frame
Set the schema and start the FrameGrabber
Receive an image
Register a callback
Alternatively: wait for a frame
Access the data
The full example
Using a callback
Using the polling mode
How to: view the images
How to: handle rgb data
Access the data
Decode the data
Display (optional)
The full example
How to: use the deserializer module
How to: configure the logging
Log Levels
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