▼Nifm3d | |
▼Ncalibration | |
CCalibration | |
CExtrinsicOpticToUser | All items are given in SI units, i.e. transXYZ are in [m] and rotXYZ are in [rad] |
CArrayDeserialize | |
▼CBuffer | The class Buffer represent a STL container to store data from the ifm devices in 2 dimension and supports multiple channel |
CIterator | |
CBuffer_ | |
CDevice | |
CDistanceImageInfo | |
CError | |
CFrame | |
CFrameGrabber | |
CIFMNetworkDevice | |
CIntrinsicCalibration | |
CIteratorAdapter | |
Cjson | |
CLegacyDevice | |
CLogEntry | |
CLogFormatterJson | |
CLogFormatterText | |
CLogger | |
CLogWriter | |
CLogWriterComposite | |
CLogWriterConsole | |
CLogWriterConsoleColored | |
CLogWriterFile | |
CO3D | |
CO3R | |
CO3X | |
CODSInfoV1 | |
CODSOccupancyGridV1 | |
CODSPolarOccupancyGridV1 | |
▼COrganizer | Organizer Interface for device data |
CResult | |
CPCICClient | |
CPoint | Struct for 3D space point |
CPortInfo | |
CRGBInfoV1 | |
CSemVer | |
CSWUpdater | |
CTOFInfoV3 | |
CTOFInfoV4 | |
CO3DExposureTimes | |
CO3DExtrinsicCalibration | |
CO3DILLUTemperature | |
CO3DInstrinsicCalibration | |
CO3DInverseInstrinsicCalibration |