Docker development containers

Multiple development containers are available. You can pull them using the following command, with the relevant tag:

$ docker pull

The following tags are available:

  • stable: this is the latest released version.

  • latest: this is a nightly build with the latest version of ifm3d available on the main branch. This typically contains work in progress.

  • VERSION: you can specify a specific version of ifm3d, for instance, use:

$ docker pull

The full list of available container versions is available here.

For each tag, several suffixes are available:

  • ubuntu: an Ubuntu-based build, available both for amd64 and aarch64.

  • l4t: a build based on NVIDIA’s Linux 4 Tegra, only available for aarch64 architecture.

Each of these suffixes can be combined with a tag to get a specific version for a specific OS. For instance, you can use the tag v0.93.0-l4t to get the Linux 4 Tegra based build of ifm3d version 0.93.0. When no suffix is added to the tag, the default build is used, which is Ubuntu based.

To explicitly specify the architecture required for the image, one can use:

docker pull --platform=linux/arm64

Suffixes are also available to define the platform. For instance, one can use the tag stable-ubuntu-arm64.

For more detailed documentation on using docker containers with the O3R platform, you can refer to this section.