Python installation

Note: We recommend for testing purposes to install the ifm3dpy package in an clean Python environment first. You can use python -m venv "venv-name" to create a new virtual environment.

You can use the official PyPI package to install the ifm3dpy within your virtual environment:

pip install ifm3dpy

Now, you can check your installation.

Check the ifm3dpy installation

Let’s verify quickly that the installation worked! This command should display the list of packages installed in your environment:

pip freeze

Open up a Python shell with:


Then try importing the package:

import ifm3dpy

You can test the connection from VPU to camera head with following lines:

from ifm3dpy import O3R
o3r = O3R()
config = o3r.get() #get the configuration saved on the VPU

Using the package json provides an easier tool for displaying JSON-Strings. The configuration from the VPU is always a JSON-String (output below shortened for display purposes).

import json
print(json.dumps(config, indent=4))
    "device": {
        "clock": {
            "currentTime": 1581090739817663072
        "diagnostic": {
            "temperatures": [],
            "upTime": 94000000000
        "info": {
            "device": "0301",
            "deviceTreeBinaryBlob": "tegra186-quill-p3310-1000-c03-00-base.dtb",
            "features": {},
            "name": "TableTop2",
            "partNumber": "M03975",
            "productionState": "AA",
            "serialNumber": "000201234176",
            "vendor": "0001"
        "network": {
            "authorized_keys": "",
            "ipAddressConfig": 0,
            "macEth0": "00:04:4B:EA:9F:D1",
            "macEth1": "00:02:01:23:41:76",
            "networkSpeed": 1000,
            "staticIPv4Address": "",
            "staticIPv4Gateway": "",
            "staticIPv4SubNetMask": "",
            "useDHCP": false
        "state": {
            "errorMessage": "",
            "errorNumber": ""
        "swVersion": {
            "kernel": "4.9.140-l4t-r32.4+gc35f5eb9d1d9",
            "l4t": "r32.4.3",
            "os": "0.13.13-221",
            "schema": "v0.1.0",
            "swu": "0.15.12"
    "ports": {
        "port0": {
            "acquisition": {
                "framerate": 10.0,
                "version": {
                    "major": 0,
                    "minor": 0,
                    "patch": 0
            "data": {
                "algoDebugConfig": {},
                "availablePCICOutput": [],
                "pcicTCPPort": 50010
            "info": {
                "device": "2301",
                "deviceTreeBinaryBlobOverlay": "001-ov9782.dtbo",
                "features": {
                    "fov": {
                        "horizontal": 127,
                        "vertical": 80
                    "resolution": {
                        "height": 800,
                        "width": 1280
                    "type": "2D"
                "name": "",
                "partNumber": "M03976",
                "productionState": "AA",
                "sensor": "OV9782",
                "sensorID": "OV9782_127x80_noIllu_Csample",
                "serialNumber": "000000000281",
                "vendor": "0001"
            "mode": "experimental_autoexposure2D",
            "processing": {
                "extrinsicHeadToUser": {
                    "rotX": 0.0,
                    "rotY": 0.0,
                    "rotZ": 0.0,
                    "transX": 0.0,
                    "transY": 0.0,
                    "transZ": 0.0
                "version": {
                    "major": 0,
                    "minor": 0,
                    "patch": 0
            "state": "RUN"