Migration Guide V1.3.0

Change of installed Python version in docker containers

The default docker containers used to all contain the same Python version (3.9) regardless of the base image. Starting with this ifm3d version the installed Python will be replaced with the default of the corresponding Ubuntu version:

Base Image

Python Version

Ubuntu 18.04/l4t

Python 3.6.x

Ubuntu 20.04

Python 3.8.x

Ubuntu 22.04

Python 3.10.x

Replacement of glog with ifm3d::Logger

Version 1.3.0 marks the introduction of the ifm3d::Logger as a replacement for glog.

There are no code changes required for customer code, however the default for logging changed, log messages will now be printed by default on the command line instead of a log file. Please see ifm3d::Logger - Logger for the ifm3d library for details on how to configure the logging behaviour.